September 2, 2019

Categories: News

appuntamento e cene

According to a survey by Circle, a company operating on the financial sector, 46% of men consider it a waste of money if a first date is not successful (and for ‘successful’ I will leave it to your imagination).

This piece of news inspired me to write this post.

The average expense incurred on a first date is, roughly, 51 euros (would you agree?) and considering around 23 dates a year (not so many?) we can estimate and average of 1173 euros per year a man will spend on dating. And for around 23 dates how many will actually be successful? I would say maybe half, meaning more than 1000 euros will be spent. Do your math! But what about the ladies? There is slight contradiction here: women want to be equal to men but God forbid he doesn’t offer to pay on a date!

The nicest thing you could call him is a fucking scrooge.

“You are all opportunists. It’s better for you if a guy pays for your meal and this has nothing to do with chivalry”, says Andrea, a Milanese professional (and being from Lombardy it’s understandable).

I must be honest, it’s not simply a question of economics- there’s a lot more to it. Without been overtly Romantic, I can easily admit that when a man offers to pay I feel pampered, protected as if, all of a sudden, everyday niggling problems, such as a leaking washing machine or a computer virus, suddenly disappear. There is no link between a man buying me a drink and my small disasters, but I can assure you I feel it. Having said that, sometimes I like to pay too, it makes me feel economically independent, but when a man buys me a coffee I admire him. Unlike that guy who started to count his coins when we shared a drink for 12,50, fucking Scrooge …

It’s a big contradiction, I am aware, but we have to come to terms with it: feminism has its limits.

Oh I was just about to forget: 26% of women admit to have accepted a date just to get a free meal.

C’mon girls! This ain’t fair!