October 22, 2019

Categories: News

limousine bianca

Welcome to the eternal city. The capital of all perversions. During the day you work: blazer and a pair of Louboutins, at night anything goes (follies included). The latest temptation is a white limousine driving in the proximity of St. Peter. it’s 2 a.m. and I am in bed after a fun night fueled with Dom Pérignon when my friend G, a manager in a public company, sends me a video. I need to lift myself up in order to understand what it’s all about: G. is lying on a car seat, surrounded by smooth legs and feet with crimson nail varnish. I can see a hairy thigh, a male one I guess. “Sabiiii we are having fun here” but all I can see is an elevated alcohol content. The morning after we meet up at Rosati, the coffee shop under my office.

We need to nurse our hangovers. Coffee shake for me, coffee with cream for him: “you cannot believe it” he starts to tell me .. “I was on my way home having parked my car in via delle Fornaci when this limousine passes by, a fucking gorgeous woman rolls down the window and asks me if I want to step in. I did not even let her finish, as you can imagine”. Inside the car it’s heaven (or hell. From someone else’s perspective), 2 women and a man having sex: “I joined in …” I’ll spare you the sordid details, but all you need to know is that no orifice had been spared. I cross Piazza del Popolo, I go back to my office and I turn on my iMac. I start to read through my email but my thoughts go back to that white limousine; I start a Google search but all I could find is stuff about bachelors parties and other celebrations- very tame stuff.

Rome 1, Google 0.